Serving Palm Desert and Coachella Valley

When you’re ready to make your property more appealing with landscaping designs, you need to know what will work best. Before you start digging or planting, take a look at these three HVAC-friendly landscaping tips for Thousand Palms, CA homes.

1. Keep Plants Away from HVAC Units

Whether you have a heat pump, air conditioner, or commercial HVAC system in Thousand Palms, CA, keeping plants at least two to three feet away from the equipment is important. This is for the health of the plants and the HVAC system.

If the plants are too close, it causes issues with airflow. This can lead to issues that cost you money and comfort.

Planting further away provides greater energy efficiency, a longer lifespan and fewer required repairs. It also protects the plants so they can grow and thrive to their full capacity.

2. Create a Windbreak

You can create a gorgeous landscape while protecting your HVAC system in Thousand Palms, CA when you plant evergreen plants around the unit. When severe weather occurs, the plants will help protect the unit from flying debris. Boxwood, cypress, cedar, and juniper are common hedges that provide a great windbreak and don’t lose their leaves, making them an effective year-round choice for many homeowners.

3. Use a Border

To create an environment that looks nice and helps protect your HVAC equipment from becoming clogged with debris, consider installing a trellis or stone border. Rainwater runs off of stones easily and stops flooding around the air conditioning equipment. It also decreases the amount of mud, grass clippings, and other yard debris that otherwise accumulates, preventing the unit’s vents from becoming blocked.

With these HVAC-friendly landscaping tips for Thousand Palms, CA, you can protect your climate control system and improve your curb appeal. If you have more specific questions about your HVAC system or need professional assistance, give us a call at Vic’s Air Conditioning.

Image provided by iStock

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