Serving Palm Desert and Coachella Valley

If your Palm Springs, CA home’s AC unit before 2010, it probably uses the refrigerant R-22. Why is that important? Because R-22 is being phased out, and the phaseout will affect you. Here’s what you need to know.

What’s The Story?

Introduced in the 1950s, R-22 was the leading refrigerant used in cooling systems until researchers discovered that it depletes the ozone. Under the international Montreal Protocol, the United States government started reducing the production and import of R-22. As of Jan. 1, 2020, the protocol eliminates all production and import. The only R-22 available for servicing AC units will be recycled or stock-piled.

What Are My Options?

Starting in 2010, the government banned the use of R-22 in newly manufactured air conditioners and heat pumps. If your AC unit was made before 2010, you have three options:

  • Retrofit your system to make it compatible with an approved refrigerant. Retrofitting isn’t possible with every system, can cost almost as much as a new installation, and will probably void your warranty.
  • Use your current system until it has a fatal breakdown. Due to shortened supplies of R-22, costs for refrigerant-related repairs will skyrocket.
  • Plan for AC replacement. A proactive option that helps you manage your budget and protect your comfort.

How Much Time Do I Have?

Your time frame for AC replacement depends on the age and condition of your air conditioner. If it’s reached its golden years (12 to 15 years old), or if you’re already having refrigerant problems, the time frame is considerably shorter. If your unit is 10 years old but still working efficiently, then you have some time to explore your options, including ductless AC.

We offer financing plans that make replacement more manageable. We can also help you find manufacturer and utility rebates that make it even more affordable. To learn more, check out the AC replacement services we offer at Vic’s Air or call (760) 289-5998.

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